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Jazz Studies Handbook The University of Central Florida Department of Music Sincere jazz musicians aim at excellence and apparently nothing else They are hard to buy and if bought they either backslide into honesty or lose the respect of their peers And this is the loss that terrifies them In any other. Fm7 B m7 E 7 A Maj7 D Maj7 G7 CMaj7 Cm7 Fm7 B 7 E Maj7 A Maj7 D7 GMaj7 Am7 D7 GMaj7 F m7 EMaj7 C7 5 Fm7 B m7 E 7 A Maj7 D Maj7 D m7 Cm7 B 7 B m7 E 7 A Maj7 (Fim) G7 C7 1 All The Things You Are Hammerstein/Kern. Benvenuto nella TUA biblioteca di spartiti!.
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Please note that jazz use extensions such as 9th, and 13th rather than 2nd and 6th to imply that the interval is ADDED to the existing chord and doesnt replace a note eg C9 means a C7 plus a 2nd, Csus2 would imply that the 3rd is replaced by the 2 A C6 chord is just a c triad with the 6 added, however a C13 is a dominant chord. Esternopdf Duo Trio o Quartetto jazz Pianista pianoforte a coda Ballerini Gruppo tastiera batteria basso chitarra sax Chitarrista jazz Pianoforte e Violoncello Download our canzoni napoletane pianoforte pdf eBooks for free and learn more about canzoni napoletane pianoforte pdf. JAZZ STUDIES & A complete book of jazz technique studies and exercises for al!.
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